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Flammehæmmende væg tæppe
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Flammehæmmende væg tæppe

Flame Retardant Wall Carpets are made by needle punching and other processes to make different fibers interweave and entangle each other to standardize the fabric, so that the fabric is soft, plump, thick, and stiff to achieve different thicknesses to meet the requirements of use. , Trimmed, packaged in rolls.

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Produkt beskrivelse

1. Product Introduction of Flame retardant Wall Carpet

Flammehæmmende biografvæggetæpper er lavet ved nålestansning og andre processer for at få forskellige fibre til at flette og vikle hinanden for at standardisere stoffet, så stoffet er blødt, fyldigt, tykt og stift for at opnå forskellige tykkelser for at opfylde kravene til brug . , Trimmet, pakket i ruller.

1. Materiel sammensætning: polyester korte fibre og polypropylen korte fibre.

2. Almindelige farver: sort, grå, rød, blå, gul, lyserød, grøn, brun.

3. Materielt udseende: stribet på den ene side og flammehæmmende belægning på den anden.


2. Specifikation af flammehæmmende væg tæppe






1,5 m




Absorb Low Frequency Sound


Flame retardant


3 .Features of Flame retardant Wall Carpet

Hovedpræstation: ingen kugle, ingen fnug, god fladhed, god flammehæmmende effekt. Lydabsorptionseffekt: Det fiberlignende udseende har god lydabsorption. Tæppet bruges mest på væggen under 1,2 meter, det er det gode materiale til at absorbere lavfrekvent varsel. Og det er ikke let at blive snavset i den nederste position.


4. Anvendelser af flammehæmmende væg tæppe

The wall carpet is the ideal panel to be used in public place, especially for those places which has high safety requirement. For example, Cinema, theater, healthcare center, shopping malls, clubs, education room, and stadium, canteens, and leisure center. It can reduce the sound reverberation and make the sound more clear

5. Fordelen ved Qdboss akustisk flammehæmmende væg tæppe

Qdboss Acoustic has the patent technology to make the wall carpet flame retardant there are various flame retardant technologies, such as carton coating, soaking as well as flame retardant cloth. We also have the cutting machine to make different shapes to make more possibilities on the wall.

Og vi har bestået SGS første test i overensstemmelse med proceduren specificeret i BS476 Part6: 1989 + A1: 2009, der inkorporerer rettelse nr. 1: 2014 - Brandtests på byggematerialer og strukturer - del 6: Testmetode for ilden formering for produkterâ €.

6. Kvalifikation af flammehæmmende væg tæppe


We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant Flame retardant Wall Carpet, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling. We have different production lines for different method of flame retardant process, such as carton coating process, flame retardant soaking process, fiberglass fabric process, to meet the different requirements from the clients.

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